Laurel True, the country’s foremost mosaic artist, will be creating a unique on-site meat-themed interactive installation at Meatopia, working with materials at hand and with our guests.

Her work focuses both on process and product, giving viewers and project participants a chance to experience artworks from both and internal and external standpoint. Her conceptual work weaves together fine art and craft based techniques, utilizing both natural and man made materials to achieve varying effects and communicate disparate cultural influences. Projects often juxtapose themes of beauty and despair, bounty and loss and celebration and ritual.  Using found detritus such as asphalt, concrete, brick, glass and other collected rubble, True pieces her installations together with the precision of ancient roman mosaics. We had hoped to have Laurel work with small bits of salami, jerky, and other meat-based materials, but it seemed disrespectful and wasteful.